What is a settlement house?

A settlement house is a neighborhood-based social organization that provides services designed to identify and reinforce the strengths of individuals, families, and communities. Settlement house programs build bonds, create networks, promote advocacy, and develop connections both within organizations and throughout the wider community.

Programs available at each settlement house vary according to the specific needs of their neighborhoods, and may include:

  • Job training and employment programs
  • Early childhood education
  • After-school youth programs
  • Arts education and performances
  • English for Speakers for Other Languages (ESOL) and literacy education
  • Citizenship instruction and legal counseling
  • Mental health
  • Home-Care
  • Housing
  • Senior centers and home-delivered meals

Settlement houses engage their neighbors in the planning and design of programs, they provide assistance and space to individuals and groups in efforts to solve community problems,and encourage community members to participate in civic life. Settlement houses hold forums on local concerns, register voters, and provide information about citywide issues.



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